Expertise in Fundraising, Non-Profit Events, and Philanthropic Counsel

WID President's Letters - By Yolanda F. Johnson


October 2020 - October with WID


We’re now into full swing with the WID program year and I have been thrilled at the successes we’ve experienced so far. Success is not only defined by meeting budgetary goals or the number of people who attend our programs, but also by the sense of community that is strengthened every time we come together, even in the virtual realm.

WID is dedicated to continuing to serve the fundraising and philanthropic communities, and we’ve come up with a few different and creative ways to do so.

First, I am thrilled to announce the success this month of our new Resume Reboot event, where members were inspired to continue moving their careers forward. This was followed by a very timely Deconstructing Development episode, focused upon financial projections related to the election outcomes. Up next, a special conversation on ethics in fundraising, followed by November’s Deconstructing Development, with a stellar panel, focused upon true inclusion and people with disabilities within our sector.

And then, as promised, we’re about to begin the official reveal of our newest initiative, WID Career Advisors! This is a wonderful new way for seasoned professionals to connect with other WID members, to share thoughts, wisdom, and best practices. I do hope that you will consider becoming an Advisor or that you’ll take advantage of this offering by becoming an Advisee.

Last but not least, SAVE THE DATE – December 8th is our virtual WID Holiday Celebration. We have plenty of fun planned and most of all, we simply want you to connect with each other, enjoying and embracing the beautiful community that WID has cultivated for its more than four-decade existence.

We are here for you and invite you to join us for our upcoming events and the Career Advisors initiative.

Until then, I’m wishing you every success.
Onward, Upward, Forward,


Yolanda F. Johnson, President
Women In Development, NY

Yolanda Johnson