Expertise in Fundraising, Non-Profit Events, and Philanthropic Counsel

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Our Nation and Our Cities Are In Crisis: How Can the Fundraising and Philanthropic Communities Help?


June 3, 2020

Fundraiser. Philanthropist. Ally. Expert. Perspectives on Race, Equity and Action


We have all watched a truly unprecedented time unfold before us. First, the Coronavirus pandemic, and now in addition to that crisis, the nation— and worldwide reaction to racial injustice.

From recent conversations with those in the black community and communities of color to many allies who are not people of color, but who want to know what can be done to take action, WID has determined that it is time for a real, honest dialogue about how we can move forward and enact change; first as human beings and then as a professional community of fundraisers and philanthropists.

WID and the newly established Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy will soon join forces to tackle these difficult issues in a very special upcoming event.

Until then, let us stand together against racism and for justice.

Onward, Upward, Forward,


President, Women In Development, NY
Founder, Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy