Thursday, May 6, 2021
4:00 PM ET Program
5:00 PM ET Networking
Free for Allies in Action members
$25.00 - Non-members
How do we inspire donors to give commensurate with their wealth? What can we do to educate donors on the need to fund programs and solutions identified by communities of color? How can we guide donors to support policy and systems changes to undo institutional racism?
Join us for a conversation to learn how we as nonprofit professionals can partner with our donors to achieve a new paradigm for philanthropy. A networking hour will follow.
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Alan S. Davis, President, The Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund
Alan S. Davis has been a travel writer, a tax policy expert, founder of a fine recycled paper distribution company, and now serves as President of the Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund, a private foundation, and Director of the WhyNot Initiative, its social justice program. His latest endeavor is challenging the philanthropy status quo by launching the Crisis Charitable Commitment, a call for private foundations, donor advised fund holders, and ultra-high-net-worth individuals to commit to increase their level of charitable contributions, as a percentage of assets, with the goal to double the amount of money going to nonprofit organizations during these most challenging times.
Jennifer McCrea, Senior Research Fellow, Hauser Institute for Civil Society, Harvard University
Jennifer McCrea is a frequent speaker and writer on the topic of money, meaning and social change and the co-author of the best-selling book, The Generosity Network. She co-founded Born Free Africa and serves as a Vice Chairman of the United Nation’s MDG Health Alliance. She is also the Chief Creative Officer for Parker Media and the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy.
For more than 30 years, Jennifer has partnered with philanthropists, board members and social change leaders to think more creatively and collaboratively about ways in which to align strategic direction and resources. She has been a speaker and led seminars for, among others, Ashoka, Skoll World Forum, TED, Board Source, Social Venture Philanthropy, Draper Richards Kaplan, Open Society Foundations, New Profit, Echoing Green, Harvard Business School, Wharton, and Oxford University.
Jennifer sits on the board of the Leading Change Network and serves on the advisory board of the MIT Media Lab and the Blue School. She is Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute.