Expertise in Fundraising, Non-Profit Events, and Philanthropic Counsel

WID President's Letters - By Yolanda F. Johnson


April 2020 - Pause, Don’t Quit!


I hope this message finds you all healthy and safe. As I hope you have seen, WID has been hard at work, continuing to provide quality programming and tools to help you thrive during this new normal.

In my opinion, being the pragmatic optimist that I am, we must take things day by day with such an ever-evolving situation. What I want to leave you with is a reminder that as we “pause,” may we take a moment each day to find a silver lining wherever we can; to stop and reflect on our lives, careers and to have hope. What lies ahead is uncertain, but what we know for sure is that somehow, at some point, we will slowly-but-surely move forward. 

For the fundraising and philanthropic communities, I have witnessed many wonderful things as we all strive to continue our important work, illuminating the path to helping make the world a better place. We must not stop, as "pause" does not mean to "quit." Instead, we should thoughtfully navigate a path to stay active and contribute to our profession as best we can.

With this in mind, WID continues its new Deconstructing Development interview show, which saw a special installment on #GivingTuesdayNow as well as covering topics such as self-care and finances. We even delved into homeschooling! No stone was left unturned when we thought of ways to help our members and community. Tomorrow, we look forward to tackling major gifts, and beyond that, career assessment, job searching, and gaining perspective from philanthropists. See the Event Menu below for more information. We also have a May 12th webinar on board relations and we are thrilled to announce WID’s webinar partnership with The Chronicle of Philanthropy, as well as a special three-part written series, Ethical Solutions, Practical Tools: Making the Best Decisions During and After the Pandemic. You can learn more about that below.

How are you doing and how can WID continue to help you in your journey? Please let me know by e-mail I’d love to hear from you and WID wants to support our community in every way we can. Until next time, I encourage you to move forward in your work, day by day. Take this time to explore new possibilities and hone your skill sets. We know that for the sake of safety, we must pause, but don’t ever quit! WID is here to help you keep moving forward.

Wishing you every success,


Yolanda F. Johnson, President
Women In Development, NY

Yolanda Johnson