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WID President's Letters - By Yolanda F. Johnson


January 2022 - New Beginnings


Each year in January, I’m filled with anticipation for the year ahead, not only because it’s the start of the year, but because it’s my birthday month. So, when the clock strikes midnight on my birthday, which comes just days after the New Year, I feel a resonant reset and a particular gratitude for having lived another year and look forward to what I might experience and accomplish in the year – and age – to come. It is with this reflective spirit in mind, that on behalf of everyone at WID, I want to extend sincere condolences to Past President, Pat Foster, who lost her husband, Colin, recently. Our thoughts are with Pat and her family.

Just six or seven months ago, the world seemed to think that our “now normal” would have drastically changed, with the pandemic being a thing of the relative past. However, just as variants can create new challenges in our lives and work, embracing community and self-advocacy (both personal and professional) can help us to navigate as women in the field of development. WID encourages you to embrace all of the wonderful things happening within its community, from our new social media broadcast on Instagram Live, WID Watch, to our WID First Person, found below. This month, Rhea Wong shares her expert advice. And, congratulations to our Member Spotlight, Jackie Garcia. Below, you can learn more about the amazing work Jackie has been doing at Hudson Guild.

As we look ahead to Black History Month, I want to encourage you to join me and my co-host, Jill Slattery for a very special installment of Deconstructing Development on February 15th, as we examine the lived experiences of Black women in the development profession with special guests, Wendy Sealey and Chantal Bonitto.

There’s so much to look forward to this year. Embrace your WID community and stand up for all that you deserve and want in your lives and careers. And always remember that WID is standing with you. I look forward to hopefully seeing you soon and wish you the happiest 2022 imaginable.

Onward, Upward, Forward,


Yolanda F. Johnson, President
Women In Development, NY

Yolanda Johnson