Expertise in Fundraising, Non-Profit Events, and Philanthropic Counsel

WID President's Letters - By Yolanda F. Johnson


July 2020 - The Importance of Allyship


Summer is now in full swing, and I hope that despite the strange times, your lives are finding a place of peace and normalcy. For WID, the new program and fiscal years are upon us and we’re looking to the year ahead with hope. I want to personally thank the entire WID community and our members for staying the course with WID throughout this unique time. In turn, WID strives to continue to stay the course with you as well. This made me think of allyship, something that has certainly been on my mind and heart as of late.

As we navigate these times and in particular, this moment in time, where we just might see real change towards racial equity in society and therefore in fundraising and philanthropy, I am restless. Racial injustice has brought our nation to its knees and I am hopeful that we will all rise again, toward a new and equitable future. That’s why WID is working so hard to lead the charge in this work for the fundraising community. Last month we were among the first to host a very special national panel on the racial equity dialogue. You can still view the recording of “Fundraiser. Philanthropist. Ally. Expert” here. You can also learn more about it further down in the newsletter.

Then, we released the first-ever Diversity and Inclusion Task Force report, accompanied by an article I penned for The Chronicle of Philanthropy, with WID standing as a beacon of hope for those who want to incorporate DEI initiatives “from the inside out.” Many of you probably know that I also recently founded a new organization, Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy (WOC), which has already supported and partnered with WID towards our DEI goals. And, during the national panel I mentioned above, I announced my work with allies in the journey to racial justice, called Allies in Action Membership Network. Because there is so much at stake right now, and because of the importance of both championing people of color and women of color and enlisting solid allies in that effort, I want to encourage those in the WID community who are not people of color to take an active role in allyship in some way that is meaningful to you. Now is the time. In fact, I am offering five complimentary memberships in Allies in Action to anyone from the WID community who wants to participate. If so, please contact If you come after those five, I still hope you’ll consider taking action in allyship (some people use other terms, but it’s the same work) whether it’s with Allies in Action or other programs, such as Arts Administrators of Color or Undoing Racism.

Let us all be allies in every sense of the word, supporting our communities and each other. Perhaps the slower pace of the summer will be a good time to reflect and see just what role you can play in this important work.

Wishing you every success,


Yolanda F. Johnson, President
Women In Development, NY

Yolanda Johnson