Expertise in Fundraising, Non-Profit Events, and Philanthropic Counsel



Meet the Philanthropist: Interview with Peggy Dulany Rockefeller



Yolanda sits with Peggy Dulany to discuss the definition of “philanthropist,” the growing number of women philanthropists, and the inclusion within the non-profit sector.

... giving with our full selves.
— Peggy Dulany

Interview Highlights

On how to empower women in engaging philanthropy and claiming the title “philanthropist”

  • “…giving with our full selves”

    • “Whatever training or background we have that would give us special knowledge of issues we care about, whatever our passions are, what our skills are, what our influence might be, what our connections are, all of those are at least as valuable as the money we’re able to give… giving of our time is such an important thing as well.”

On where to start as a racial and gender ally

  • “Before we even get to the doing… listen, listen, listen with an open mind and heart. Because if we haven’t started with that, then what we’re liable to do will probably come from our own experience or lack of experience or misconceptions or biases…”

On how to take action as an allyship

  • “I would start in partnership with the groups that one wants to work with so it’s not just the philanthropist, somehow, from up here, deciding what the problem is and what the solution ought to be and applying funds or time… to that but that it’s an evolving sense of what is needed, where is it needed, and how can I, as a philanthropist, anyone as a philanthropist, apply my best values and understanding after I’ve done all that listening with respect.”

On inner work for social change

  • “Getting curious, rather getting self-judgmental or other-judgmental...”



Peggy Dulany Rockefeller

Peggy Dulany

Chair and Founder, Synergos Foundation